Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment: Take 25 pictures in preparation for a second mash-up

Craft: I am taking a variety of different pictures and also a variety of different places. One thing I learned from the last mash up was that I was more focused on taking good pictures of the people, and less worried about what was in the background. In this mash up I am going to be much more conscious of this.

Composition: I am not positive about my project yet, but my current idea is to do something about the rashness of suicide. I am not positive about how I will compose this, but I have a few ideas. I hope to get my point across without being too controversial or upsetting.

Concept: I know alot of people that have commited suicide, and I have seen the amount of lives they have touched, and I always wonder if they could have seen ahead to these lives, if they would still do it. I hope to get the point across that even when you think things are at their worse, there are many people that love and cherish your life, and that suicide is a permenant solution to a temporary problem. I may use some sort of irony to project my message.

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