Monday, January 12, 2009

Setup Blog

Assignment- Setup Blog

What was my process for setting up my blog?
I had a lot of trouble being able to gain a blog because of my email address' but I finally did. Then I chose my template and picture and heading before going through and exploring. I then added different add on's such as dodgeball and quote of the day. Finally I changed my fonts and colors, and began writting this first blog!

Why this photo?
This picture means alot to me because I'm in my basketball jersey,and basketball is a huge part of my life, and playing in college, is one of my greatest achievements.

Why this template?
I chose this template because it was the most colorful and fun, and I like colors more than bland, and like things that catch my eye like the polka dots instead of just a plain background.

If I had a soap box, what would I shout to the world?
I would shout out that we only live for so long, and that each individual person should evaluate what is important in their own lives, and cut out all the meaningless dramas and stresses and enjoy life without regrets. I would also say that the easieset way to brighten their own day, is by brightening someone elses and to encourage people to help, and inspire others!

1 comment:

  1. Nice side banner! Would be better if your text color is also red orange to have visual continuity.
